sobota, 17. avgust 2024

Finding Forgiveness, my new wordless picture book

I'm feeling super happy to reveal the cover of my new wordless picture book, FINDING FORGIVENESS, which is coming out on March 11, 2025, at Chronicle Books Chronicle Kids. It's such a special moment for me to share the cover with you!
I want to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to the amazing team I had the privilege to work with: my wonderful agent, Allison Hellegers, Stimola Literary Studio, as well as the editors, Daria Harper and Ariel Richardson, and the designer Eugenia Yoh! THANK YOU!
Izjemno sem vesela, da lahko z vami delim naslovnico moje nove brezbesedne knjige FINDING FORGIVENESS, ki izide pri ameriški založbi Chronicle BooksChronicle Kids, in sicer 11 marca 2025. Knjiga je nastajala v sodelovanju z neverjetno ekipo, mojo izjemno agentko Allison Hellegers, Stimola Literary Studio, urednicama Dario Harper in Ariel Richardson ter oblikovalko Eugenijo Yoh. Velika hvala vsem, ki so sodelovali pri ustvarjanju te knjige!

Pre-order available: