petek, 13. september 2024
sreda, 21. avgust 2024
Zlata hruška/Golden Pear quality label
A smo že tam (Are we there yet?), Miš
Sto slovenskih ljudskih, Dušica Kunaver and 25 illustrators, Morfem
Vesolje, žepi in slonji kihci, Gaja Kos and 13 illustrators, Mladinska knjiga
The Golden Pear Label is a project of the Pionirska - Centre for Youth Literature and Librarianship, which is part of the Ljubljana City Library. It is a label for quality children's and youth books, which has been awarded since 2004.
Test prints
I'm impressed to see the test prints of the book cover and dust jacket. I can't wait to flip through the entire printed book. It's so much work put into it, and I learned so much. I hope it will find the readers who will explore and dive into the story.
sobota, 17. avgust 2024
Finding Forgiveness, my new wordless picture book
I'm feeling super happy to reveal the cover of my new wordless picture book, FINDING FORGIVENESS, which is coming out on March 11, 2025, at Chronicle Books Chronicle Kids. It's such a special moment for me to share the cover with you!
I want to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to the amazing team I had the privilege to work with: my wonderful agent, Allison Hellegers, Stimola Literary Studio, as well as the editors, Daria Harper and Ariel Richardson, and the designer Eugenia Yoh! THANK YOU!
Izjemno sem vesela, da lahko z vami delim naslovnico moje nove brezbesedne knjige FINDING FORGIVENESS, ki izide pri ameriški založbi Chronicle Books, Chronicle Kids, in sicer 11 marca 2025. Knjiga je nastajala v sodelovanju z neverjetno ekipo, mojo izjemno agentko Allison Hellegers, Stimola Literary Studio, urednicama Dario Harper in Ariel Richardson ter oblikovalko Eugenijo Yoh. Velika hvala vsem, ki so sodelovali pri ustvarjanju te knjige!
Pre-order available:
sreda, 24. julij 2024
Zebra No Espelho
So happy with the news that on August 31st the book Zebra in the Mirror, Tina Arnuš Pupis (in Slovenia as Zebra v ogledalu, Miš) is coming out in Brazil as Zebra no Espelho at Camaleão, Faria e Silva Editora. So exciting! Good luck, dear zebra!
petek, 5. julij 2024
Slikopis Baba sede v balon
Juhu, pri Založbi Hart je izšla slikanica, slikopis z naslovom Baba sede v balon. Uredila Maja Jug Hartman, avtorica besedil je Barbara Hanuš, oblikovni del je prevzela Tatjana Lješevič Cvar, ilustriranje pa je bila moja naloga. Hvala za povabilo k projektu in za zaupanje!
sreda, 12. junij 2024
Včeraj sem kot mentorica sodelovala na 25. Malem likovnem taboru, ki je tokrat potekal v Mokronogu in ga za dolenjsko regijo organizira JSKD OI Trebnje. Hvala Joži Sinur in Petri Zorn za povabilo in za lep, ustvarjalen dan. Vreme nas ni prav nič motilo, povabilo nas je v naše notranje svetove, iz katerih smo ustvarjali na temo: Mokronožci danes.
Letos sem sodelovala še na nekaterih drugih obiskih: v OŠ Veliki Gaber - hvala Maji Sušin za povabilo - in v sklopu Bralnic pod slamnikom, ki jih je organizirala založba Miš (hvalaaa!). V Knjižnici Tolmin sva dogodek vodili skupaj s pisateljico Tino Arnuš Pupis.
nedelja, 9. junij 2024
petek, 31. maj 2024
petek, 24. maj 2024
Updates on my webpage
There are a few updates on my web page. I added sketches and other pieces from my archive. I love sketching. I wish I could catch that kind of spontaneity in my work. I'm always learning. If you are interested, you can check it out HERE.
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