Izjemno, izjemno (sem rekla, da izjemno? :)) vesela sem, da lahko z vami delim novico, ki je sedaj uradna. Z založbo Chronicle Books znova sodelujemo, odkupili so pravice za mojo novo avtorsko brezbesedno knjigo z naslovom Finding Forgiveness, ki bo izšla spomladi 2025. Navdih pri tem je bila moja agentka Allison Hellegers, Stimola Literary Studio, ki mi je predlagala temo o odpuščanju. Moj ustvarjalni tok se je s tem odprl in zgodba se je začela izlivati v skice. Hvaležna sem za ves proces ustvarjanja in sodelovanja z urednico Dario Harper in oblikovalko Eugenio Yoh. Hvaležna za vse, kar se naučim, spoznam, za celotno izkušnjo, ki je ne bi zamenjala. Živim sanje, ki se jih skoraj nisem upala sanjati. 💛💛
I'm thrilled I can share the news officially! Rights (for English-speaking countries) to my new wordless picture book Finding Forgiveness were bought by Chronicle Books!! It's a dream come true! A big thanks to my agent Allison Hellegers, Stimola Literary Studio, for the inspiration about the theme of forgiveness which unlocked my creative flow and story started to unfold through my sketches. And to the editor Daria Harper and the designer Eugenia Yoh for a beautiful guidance that made the story even better. It's such an adventure, creating the story and the book. Still ongoing journey full of excitement, curiosity, and gratitude. Always learning. 💛💛